Streamline your popcorn packaging with Bedford’s twist tie machine

What makes your specialty popcorn “special?”
Certainly the secret recipe is a big part of it, but you know there’s more to running a successful business.
Whether you’re providing gourmet popcorn at the ballfield, amusement park, or keeping your cart or store stocked for foot traffic, you need a solution to efficiently package and close your popcorn bags.
Bedford is a one-stop-shop for your popcorn bag twist tie machine, twist ties, and a new closure add-on to add extra flavor to your popcorn bags.
Mini Tyer™ Pro
Our most durable twist tie machine for popcorn. Mini Tyer Pro closes popcorn bags as quickly as you can fill and feed the bag into the throat opening. Each tie twists 2 ½ times for an air-tight seal.
Choose from multiple twist tie colors in plastic/paper, plastic, paper, or metallic.
Compared to other similar machines, Mini Tyer Pro is more durable, has more color options, can run 2 twist tie spool sizes (8 inch and 10 inch), and has spare parts available for purchase. A machine warranty and technical support is included with the purchase.
“All the service Bedford gave us was exceptional. Since we did not understand how the material should be inserted into the machine, they immediately scheduled a video call with the machine technicians and explained the process step-by-step.”
– Maria Aldape, Owner, Panaderia y Productos Maria Aldape SRL
An electrical hookup is all that’s needed to run this tie machine. For taller popcorn bags, we offer a mounting bracket to invert the machine for extra clearance.
Crafted™ Bag Tag
Dress up your gourmet popcorn bags with a branded Bag Tag.
Bag Tag is like a wearable billboard at a highly visible point of your bag. High-quality print and fun shapes carry a gourmet appearance. The tag rests on the Mini Tyer Pro throat opening for a seamless application with your twist tie of choice.
Minimum order quantities are low, which makes ordering a unique design for every flavor easy and affordable.

Speak with the experts
Bedford product experts can answer your questions and match you with the right throat opening, spool size, and Bag Tag for a seamless application. Have your bags tested by Bedford engineers for free prior to purchase.
Contact us today!