Bedford Launches Website Redesign
November 16, 2020 • Alyssa Sobotka, Digital Content Specialist

If you’ve spent any time on the Bedford site in the past few years it probably hasn’t taken you long to notice that it looks different than the last time you visited.
The changes to our website appearance aren’t meant to be discreet, but part of a well-thought redesign to bring you the same products you love in a format that’s easy and enjoyable to use.
When we say “redesign” we mean more than just throwing on some updated art and calling it good. We spent quite some time revamping how our website looks and functions, how products are organized, and even offering new content and insights into our company.
We sincerely hope the site is appealing, easy to navigate, answers your questions, and marks all your little boxes of what makes a good site. Maybe you’ll even slide us into your bookmarks. (We could only be so lucky 😏.)
What’s in the new design?
Along with a fresh, new look, users will experience an easier way to search our creative products that package, brand, and sell. Here’s how:
- By product: Learn about our best-in-class Bedford Twist Tie®, ElastiTag®, and CloseIt® product lines on our product pages. You’ll get an overview of what each line offers, as well as an extensive product listing so you can compare product features to find the best solution(s) to match your needs.
- By industry: For user convenience, we also organized our products by industry. Bakery, coffee, produce, and medical get their own pages for quick product match, but because our products provide solutions in so many more industries, there’s also a “more” page.
Other Additions:
- Machinery page: Unlike ever before we’re giving users the ability to browse all of our application equipment. Whether you need a tying machine, clipping machine, or ElastiTag® applicator, you’ll find automatic and semi-automatic options organized by the product it applies.
- Sustainability Report: For years we’ve spent considerable time innovating products with sustainability in mind. We’ve now documented these efforts to show you our commitment to providing quality products while being kind to the environment.
- Blog: Since you’ve stuck around this long we’re glad you already familiarized yourself with one of our new features — the blog! Stay current on news, events, product announcements, and more!
We hope you enjoy your time on the new site and that you’ll visit often!